When It Comes To Financial Planning, Listen To Joe Maddon: Do Simple Better
October 02, 2017It’s that time of year – Major League Baseball playoffs are scheduled to start later this week and the city of Chicago (myself included) is starting to get worked up about the possibility of our beloved Cubbies repeating as World Series Champions. It has me thinking about one of Joe Maddon‘s famous phrases.
If you are a fan of baseball, you probably know that Joe is the Cubs’ manager, but if you are not familiar with Joe, that’s OK – just stay with me here. Joe is a quirky guy — he brings exotic animals into the team’s club house and has the players dress in pajamas when going on long road trips.
Despite all his shenanigans, there is one thing about Joe that has always stuck out to me. One of the phrases that Joe consistently uses to keep his players in the right frame of mind is, “Do Simple Better.” Think about that — he is working with the best ball players in the world and his message to them is not “take more batting practice” or “watch out for the curve ball on a 1-2 pitch,” but rather to focus on the basics.
It turns out this philosophy can also help you improve your financial well-being. Here’s how.
Do simple: Establish your savings goals by writing them down and putting a plan in place to save for them each month. Whether it’s saving for emergencies, college, vacations or retirement, if you have a written plan on how to get there, chances are much better that you will make it.
Do simple better: Set up a different savings account for each goal, and have money automatically transferred each month from your checking account or paycheck to these accounts. You may be thinking that you are already doing this with your 401(k) by having a certain percentage deducted from each paycheck – that’s awesome, but consider taking it a step further and enrolling in your plan’s automatic rate escalator.
Do simple: One thing that all great investors have in common is that they have a grasp on the fundamentals. To apply that to your investment strategy, determine what your time horizon and tolerance for risk are for each goal. From there you can choose the appropriate asset allocation, or mix of cash to stocks to bonds. Studies have shown that asset allocation has a larger effect on investment return than any other variable.
Do simple better: Take this risk tolerance quiz to identify your ideal asset allocation for different savings goals. Then, invest accordingly. Also, rebalance your investments at least once per year. This will keep you in line with your initial allocation strategy and force you to buy low and sell high!
Do simple: If your finances are intertwined with a spouse or partner, consider improving your communication by having regular meetings to discuss your finances. This is not a “finger pointing” session, but rather a time to ensure the left hand knows what the right is doing. My wife and I have recently made it a point to sit down every two weeks to review our finances, and it has relieved a good deal of financial stress.
Do simple better: Hold this meeting at a time when you are both relaxed and not preoccupied with anything else. We do ours on Sunday evenings, when it’s quiet and we’re not worried about getting to work or taking the kids to their activities. Also, make the meeting enjoyable – perhaps bring a bottle of wine to the table!
One more thing – hold each other accountable during the meeting. For months, if not years, my wife and I have “discussed” calling our cell phone provider to see if we could save some money with more efficient plan. With the nudge of our bi-weekly meeting, we finally did it, and are now saving over $1,000 a year!
Take Action
This is what it’s all about. On paper, the ability to save, invest and communicate seems, well, simple. It’s up to you to set up those automatic transfers, invest per your risk tolerance and meet with your accountability partner. You will then understand the power of “doing simple better!”
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